Different Instances Play a Different Role

2008Nian 5Yue Xing Qi Er Age of Conan for World of Warcraft players Funcom''s new MMO Age of Conan opens up their servers today (the game is scheduled to launch on April 1st) And, like many WoW players, you could be wondering what the fuss is about. Our good friends over at Massively have created an article specifically for you. It''s an overview of Age of Conan from the viewpoint of a player of World of Warcraft. A lot of things are the same between the two games -- talents are very similar, and there are a lot of comparable mechanics and spells (DoTs healing, and aggro, of course, all play a role in AoC as well as in Azeroth). There are a lot of differences. Age of Conan''s combat relies on real-time. This means that you actually have to press a button in order to strike. Runescape Wiki Instances play a different role, too -- you start in a private instance cheap wow gold, and you can level in a world entirely by yourself for a longer period of time than World of Warcraft. Funcom has also added a lot of things to help us get away from WoW, like mounted combat, deeper guild systems, player cities and more mini-games for PvP. Of course, even the time you decide to play AoC, Wrath of the Lich King is likely to bring you back to WoW in the end. However, as enjoyable as killing things in the Hyborian Age is, it doesn''t hold a candle to the thrill of meeting Arthas Menethil. In our humble opinion buy wow gold. But if you''ve heard about Age of Conan and are thinking about the differences Massively''s guide has it covered.