Neve ParitzkiJerusalem: Israel''s First Cycling Tunnel opens

The Kerem Tunnel provides a unique ride and hiking experience that should be enjoyed by all.
The Kerem Tunnel, Israel''s first bicycle tunnel, was opened as part of Jerusalem Ring Path. This 42-kilometer cycle path surrounds Jerusalem.

The tunnel connects Nahal Refaim with Emek Motza. The tunnel''s southern entrance can be found in Refaim Park below Ein Laban. While the northern entrance is in Nahal Ein Kerem about half an hour from the Kerem junction.

On Thursday, Jerusalem and Heritage Minister Zeev Elkin and Mayor Moshelion, Avi Baleshnikov, Gihon chairman, and a slew of cyclists were present at a celebration to officially open the tunnel''s 2.1-kilometer-long length.

Jerusalem was a sought-after tourist destination because of its glorious past. Elkin said that the present tourism industry is an integral part of Jerusalem''s historical treasures and is also a part of modern-day tourism. נווה פריצקי נווה פריצקי "The opening of this tunnel project is a different element of the development of Jerusalem. It makes Jerusalem an attractive tourist destination for every kind of person throughout Israel, and worldwide."

Elkin his ministry, which together with the Jerusalem Municipality spearheaded the project, said the ministry "invests hundreds of millions of shekels each year in the development of Jerusalem''s tourism in all its aspects and in the creation of innovative tourist attractions and ventures that link the fascinating history of our capital city''s eternal past to its future... I encourage cyclists to take advantage of a the modern, well-maintained cycling route overlooking the unique scenery of Old Jerusalem. Around NIS 25 million were earmarked in the project, budgeted by the Elkin''s Ministry, the Tourism Ministry, the Jerusalem Municipality as well as the Gihon Corporation and the Jerusalem Purification and Sewerage Works, as well as the work done by the Jerusalem Development Authority.

Elkin said that the Kerem Tunnel project was a key tool in realizing the vision of shifting the idea of transportation in Jerusalem. "The tunnel, which will connect with the Jerusalem Ring Path, will join the existing cycle paths in the city as well as those that will be paved within its diverse areas. The tunnel is intended to encourage cycling within its inhabitants, and promote a green transportation revolution in Jerusalem."

The Kerem Tunnel was originally excavated in 1990 in order to transfer the main sewers of Gihon Corporation towards the Sorek purification facility. This plant is west of Sorek and is used today as an infrastructure tunnel. "The Kerem tunnel project is crucial to realize the dream of transforming Jerusalem''s transportation system. "

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe León
Road construction, installation , and testing of safety and electrical systems are just a few of the ongoing projects to ensure that the tunnel is secure throughout the year.

There is also the Kerem Tunnel to enjoy unique places to relax, such as Ein Kerem, the Biblical aquarium, zoo and Ein Kerem neighborhood.