12 Best Minecraft Mansion Seeds For Java And Bedrock Edition

Although it might seem frustrating to some players, digging through 17 blocks full of cobblestone will yield a mansion ready for looting. You can also use the cobblestone and wood to build tools. Be aware of any mob noises when you open the mansion. If you aren''t comfortable going right into the mansion, we have also included the coordinates for the safest escape point. You will still need to break cobblestone in order to get there.

Seed Code: 10931311583393626 Biomes Dark Forest & Plains Safest Escape Coordinates are: X, 33, Y, 68, Z, 59

Nearest Village Coordinates: X: 129, Y: 70, Z: 162

Mansion Entry Point Coordinates - X: 26,Y: 89 and Z: 57

2. Two Woodland Mansions in the Village

What''s better than finding one mansion at spawn is obviously finding two mansions alongside a village right where you spawn in Minecraft. If you have enough render distance, you can view both mansions simultaneously. One of them is right next to a village on the plains, which makes it a good starting point. The other mansion is between a ruined portal, and a witch’s hut. With such major locations around the mansions, fighting the mobs would be comparatively easier in this Minecraft seed. You also have many caves and ravines around the mansions that you can use to find important ores. Seed Code: 8993723640229201049

Biomes: Dark Forests and Plains. Swamps.

Mansion Coordinates: Z: 223; Y: 63; X: 143

Coordinates of Witch Hut: Z: 67, Y: 65, X:57

Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 161, Y: 64, Z: 372

Village Coordinates: X: -195, Y: 63, Z: 242

Mansion Near Village Coordinates: X: -338, Y: 67, Z: 225

3. Woodland Mansion near Pillager Outpost

This is the best Minecraft mansion seeds you should try if your goal is to have a wild adventure. In this world, you spawn in a small village that offers enough resources to help you get started with your journey. It also houses a weaponsmith so that you can easily obtain iron armor from its chest when you spawn. The village is located next to a dark forest that also houses a woodland mansion. While finding your way to the mansion, you''ll need to be aware of a ravine as well as several cave openings. Then, once you reach the mansion, you should head behind it to find a Pillager Outpost. It can be found next to the mansion. The use of similar blocks in the structure makes it blend well into the surrounding scenery. It is nearly impossible to recreate such a world generation, and we were astonished when we first saw it. But do practice caution because both of these structures are infested with hostile mobs.

Seed Code: 887486024745579716

Biomes: Plains and Dark Forest

Woodland Mansion Coordinates - X:92, Y; 79, Z:96

Pillager Outpost Coordinates: X: 4, Y: 72, Z: 93

Nearest Ruined Portal Coordinates X: 50,Y: 72,Z: 385

4. Village in Woodland Mansion

As you might have noticed, villages and mansions usually have a close spawn location. This seed takes their connection up a level. We found a village close to our spawn location. It''s been merged into an impressive woodland mansion. Yes, that''s right! The mansion''s mobs still attack the villager, making it an extremely chaotic environment for Minecraft seeds to spawn into. Some houses share walls and some are built inside the mansion. The rest is not normal. There are parts that are located on a hill while others are within a forest. This makes it possible to get a seed you may never see again. Seed Code: 742316170606032774

Biomes: Taiga and Dark Forest, as well as Plains

Village Coordinates: X: 186, Y: 71, Z: -275

Mansion Entrance Coordinates - X:205, Y; 64, Z: 351

5. Underground Woodland Mansion

To believe this seed exists, you must first try it. Because of the distance between the spawn point and the mansion, we don''t recommend that this seed be used in survival game mode. What we have here is a woodland mansion with the majority of its structure, including the entrance underground. The mobs still spawn the same way as a regular mansion, but you can notice cave generation taking place in it as well. You might find resources nearby if your survival mode attempts to explore the mansion. It can take weeks, if not months, to reach it unless cheats are used. Seed Code: -4967193972677765742

Biomes: Desert, Plains, and Dark Forest

Woodland Mansion Coordinates : X: 71071, Y 70, Z -62091

Desert Village Coordinates: X: -70970, Y: 71, Z: -61937

6. minecraft server list Jungle Temple on Topof Woodland Mansion

The next seed has the highest number of unique resources and is considered one of the best Minecraft mansion seed. We spawn in a vast jungle biome, and there is a woodland mansion nearby. A Ruined Portal, covered in leaves and vines, is located on the one side. A Jungle Temple can be found on the top of this mansion.

The temple still has its loot and traps intact, and you can explore it like another regular temple. The temple is located on the second floor, just above a small reading area. There is no way to enter the temple from inside the mansion. Seed Code 1067071636714001342

Biomes: Jungle

Ruined Portal Coordinates X: 151,Y: 69 and Z:177

Jungle Temple Coordinates: X: 85, Y: 84, Z: 196

Entrance of Woodland Mansion Coordinates: X: 14, Y: 64, Z: 209

Best Mansion Seeds For Minecraft Bedrock Edition

The Bedrock edition will be the next entry in our list. These seeds can be used across all versions Minecraft Bedrock including PC, consoles, as well as Minecraft PE. Although the mobs and overall biome generation may differ on different devices, the details and spawn locations will remain consistent with our description. 7. Large Villages Next to Woodland Mansion

There are risks involved in entering any woodland mansion. This is why Minecraft players tend to avoid exploring them before they get the right resources. Fortunately, this seed brings us all the resources near our spawn to get us ready for this adventure. We not only get the mansion, but also two large plains communities near our spawn point. The bridge that connects the woodland mansion to the village is also across a stream. You can also explore the nearby caves for iron ores, while the village has wood and food. You can quickly take over the house if you do everything correctly. Seed Code 1390448415

Biomes: Plains & Dark Forest

Village Coordinates: X: 232, Y: 65, Z: 120

Second Village Coordinates: X: 456, Y: 64, Z: 168

Woodland Mansion Coordinates

8. Sea Mansion

This seed will give rise to you on a small, isolated island in the middle the ocean. Fortunately, there are cold ruins nearby that you can loot for resources. But that''s not the point of this Minecraft seed.

A few hundred blocks from the spawn you will find a mansion on an island next to the ocean. Most mansions are built on large, non-island land that has no forest for about a dozen blocks. This seed allows you to build a unique seaside home. You will need to travel or teleport to get there. We would suggest you make a boat in Minecraft to travel faster in this world. Seed Code: -1844207646

Ocean Biomes

Woodland Mansion Coordinates: X: -720, Y: 66, Z: 707

9. Village Mansion

Minecraft Java players have the option to build a village within the mansion. Bedrock players also have a rare mansion that can be spawned inside a village. As you might expect, the villagers have a higher risk of being attacked by hostile mobs. As for the players, the village has a library, a weaponsmith, an armorer, and even a cartographer, along with farmers. This place is a great location for resources because of the variety of villagers. The mansion even has an iron golem you can use to defeat hostile mobs. This Minecraft mansion seeds has one downside. You can''t get the amazing location right at spawn. You''ll need to travel to these coordinates. You can also find a nearby pillager outpost making the destination even more attractive. Seed Code:

Biomes: Taiga, Swamp, and Plains

Village Woodland Mansion Coordinates: X: 1829, Y: 72, Z: -1960

Pillager Outpost Coordinates: X: 1656, Y: 72, Z: -2024

10. Ruined Portal at Woodland Mansion

There are two reasons why the next seed on our list is the best Minecraft woodland seed. It has a woodland mansion that is located near our spawn location, and it''s an uncommon type of mansion. The Ruined Portal can be found on the second level of this mansion. Inside the library is a small chest. These portals normally spawn at a lower level of the world - either in the ocean or at ground. However, you shouldn''t enter the mansion directly to see this location in survival mode. Before you move, you can find some resources at the nearby witch hut or plains village. There''s also a bonus aspect of this seed. If you move to the opposite side of your seed, you will find a village that is very close to a pilger outpost.

Seed Code: 206378771 Biomes: Dark Forest, Plains, and Swamp

Ruined Portal Inside Mansion Coordinates: X: 247, Y: 77, Z: 376

Nearby Village Coordinates

Coordinates for Witch Hut X: 680 Y 77 Z:-168

Pillager Outpost Village Coordinates: X: 456, Y: 68, Z: -744


Tall Woodland Mansion

Woodland Mansions are known for their massive size, but this seed aims to make them iconic. We spawn near a swamp biome that has a witch hut in it. Once you cross the swamp, you will find one of the most impressive Woodland Mansions in Minecraft. This woodland mansion''s highest block is at 122 blocks high. The mansion creates unbelievable scenery and is right near our spawn point. There are several other seeds with tall mansions, but most of them are either for Java or earlier versions of the game. Beyond the mansion, there are numerous ravines and caves in the vicinity. This seed contains a large ravine right next to the witch hut. Seed Code: 2033394339 Biomes : Dark Forest, Plains and Forest, Forest, Swamp

Witch Hut Coordinates: X: 280, Y: 78, Z: 40

Woodland Mansion Entrance Coordinates: X: 527, Y: 91, Z: 81

Woodland Mansion Rooftop Coordinates

12. Mushroom Mansion

The mushroom fields are known as the safest of Minecraft biomes. Due to the game''s design, no hostile mobs spawn here, even during the night. These fields are rare but you can find them and build a base there. You can also stay there overnight without worrying. This seed is included in this list because it''s important. This seed might make things look a little different. Our final entry in this long list of best Minecraft mansion seeds gives you a Woodland Mansion next to a mushroom field. Although the location is not close to our spawn, it is worth the trip. There is a witch hunt, a taiga village, and plains village near spawn to help you gather resources for this journey. Seed Code: 1258993757

Biomes: Forests, Plains and Mountains, Mountains, and Swamp

Coordinates of Witch Hut: Z: 280, Y 78, X: 776

Plains Village Coordinates: X: 536, Y: 68, Z: -328

Taiga Village Coordinates: X: 1336, Y: 69, Z: 88

Woodland Mansion Coordinates : X: 1688, Y; 77, Z: 392.

The Best Minecraft Mansion Seeds That You Must Try

These mansion seeds are great for exploring the limits and possibilities of Minecraft adventure. We have compiled a list with the best Minecraft modpacks to help you unlock new worlds. To use mods in Minecraft, you will need to install Forge. And if you are looking for even more seeds, check out these 5 best Discord servers for Minecraft for discovery and finding players to explore worlds with. You should also remember that some of the best Minecraft seeds can be quite heavy on your system. Optifine may be a good investment. But that''s a topic for another day. Start playing and exploring the best mansion plants. If you have more fun seeds that you would like to add to our list, feel free to leave them in comments. TAGS minecraftMinecraft Seeds 5 Comments

12 Best Minecraft PE 1.19 Seeds That You Should Check Out


1. Zoe says: Jul 6, 2022 at 12:32 pm

456 is a seed which will give you two mansions that are very close together. If this doesn''t work, it means that you are trying to play on Xbox one edition. This is the one that can''t be updated. BOARING!!! I''m going not to talk anymore, you guys may be asleep by now, so bye. I sincerely appreciate you listening, and if not, it''s because you were rude.

2. Xander (OmyxmoonPlayz) says: Apr 29, 2022 at 2:37 am

This is a fake. I tried every seed Java Edition and Bedrock Edition and it didn’t work.

3. Jamal Smalls says Jan 24, 2022 at 5.36 am


4. BabiiBubu states: Jan 13, 2022 at 11.29 am

What a shame that many of the co-ordinates do not have what it takes for these seeds to be heard.

5. Tiberius says Jan 12, 2022, 3:51 PM

The one with both Mansions doesn''t Work on 1.18.1. There are no villages or mansions and it looks completely different than the pics.