Now, The Cherry On Top

Sorry for the essay. But I feel that I must tell you the entire story about this company. Let''s start at the beginning. I am part of a group of friends who enjoy very long lasting ark playthroughs. This requires a lot servers and years of server renting.

For a server cluster that lasted three and a half year, I was the host and paid upwards of PS80 - PS120 per monthly. For all this time, I have never missed a single payment. Cause we all love games I have never seen more than PS3K cash.

The website''s UI is very dated and difficult to use. Also, the mod upload page is very annoying. Every mod upload brings up a prompt to update the server.

I found the general settings page to be very easy to use and it is what attracted me to them initially. Now, the support was better than other server hosts. The process is create a ticket explaining your issue and await a response, no livechat which is a big issue.

The response time would vary depending upon when the ticket is created. If the ticket is created during office hours in EU then the ticket will be resolved within one hour. The response time has jumped to between one hour and three hours. Customer service skills are completely gone and you only get very brief and (mostly) condescending replies.

My biggest problem was on their end. My game/mods would update and I would run it, but the server wouldn’t. I don''t have much knowledge about server management, but I know that there''s something they''re doing that is causing this problem. Because it happened a lot. Server issues would arise from every game update, and even a few mod updates.

I was faced with numerous server outages and waiting for support tickets to be answered. This process became increasingly tedious over the past three years.

This was added to an outage of the server that lasted more than 24 hours a couple months ago. There was no compensation. While I realize that the amount of money needed to compensate would not be significant, it is still not enough to make an apology or offer. I was also required to open a support ticket in order to discover that there was a problem with their data centre here in the UK. I was promised updates which never occurred.

I hope you''re starting to feel what I felt as I dealt with this total trash company.

Now comes the cherry on top. I had some financial difficulties. Money from my accounts was not transferring to pay for the server. I screwed up, hey I''m human.

One of the servers was up to renewal (which happens be one of most worked on) many builds/tames Ark in particular which requires a lot of work and playtime.

I forgot to pay it. This is a common problem as it''s usually all automated. Anyway server remained unpaid and after a certain amount of time Gportal deletes it. No emails to warn you, no attempt to contact whatsoever. In an instant, the topper was gone. No recovery. Many years of hard work have been wasted for no payment in 7 days.

When I queried the deletion they responded with a crass "well you should have backed it up". There own back up system doesn''t work. You can use the forums to find help. Other than what your webbrowser can handle, there is not much translation.

So TL/DR hosted server cluster for over 3 years with Gportal, got gradually worse over over that time, mostly due to the awful support provided. Final straw was due to missing payment one of the servers on my cluster was completely deleted with no warning or recovery available. Support completely blamed me when I confronted them. Combined with there very poor communication, relatively high price, poor UI for the most part and lack of an English forum leaves me with the opinion that Gportal is awful and a recommendation to not purchase a single server from them.