World Of Warcraft 3.3.5a WotLK

I have been playing WoW on Dalaran-Wow, which uses WoW 3.3.5a client with my wife and kids. I just bought a new M1 MacBook Pro. I am trying to play it. I know that the Big Sur doesn''t run 32-bit apps (it''s why my old MacBook Air was on Mojave).

Any suggestions for improving the performance of this device? I can get it to run on CrossOver, but the FPS is fairly low. Semi playable so far for me, but I haven’t ran any dungeons.

Looking for the same... or even any wow expansion of a private server on m1

I have a video of WoW working on 2.4.3 TBC client working on Atlantiss server, so I''m guessing that WotLK should work:

Crossover or Parallels are your best bet. You could also try wine-crossover here: Parallels has proven to be the most reliable and I haven’t had much success with Crossover or Wine. You will need to use the Windows version of the game, either through Wine or a virtual machine, as 32-bit Mac apps are not supported in Big Sur.

Yeah. The 32-bit version for Mac is a wrapper around Windows version. It is a 68.2MB download that launches the Mac version.

I''m aware that I''ll need the Windows version. Serverlist101 I have it. It launches CrossOver and plays "okay". This is why I was looking to make some tweaks, as I already have it working through CO.