Server Not Visible For ARK: Survival Evolved - Nitradopedia EN

The current server list was either selected randomly or is part of official servers. Steam's limitations limit the number of servers that can be listed. We recommend the following methods for searching your server:

Method: Steam Favorites

- Open Steam. Click on the top bar to select "View", scroll down, and select"Servers". Will open a new window

- On the top bar, we should be on the "Favorites" option. - In the bottom right corner, select "Add server". Will open a little window requesting an IP

- Locate your server IP address: - Navigate to your Web Interface - On the left side locate the IP address of the server as shown below:

- Locate your Query Port: Web Interface Dashboard->Scroll down

- Add Query Port to the server's IP address. For example: - IP Address: 00000 - Query port: 40001 – IP + QueryPort : 00000

- If you have enabled passwords on your server, a new browser will open asking for the server password. Type it exactly in the Web Interface. game servers It will launch the game and join your server.