If Provided With The Value Output

Please note: This documentation is for the older major version (version 1).

AWS CLI version 2 (the latest major version) is now stable. It is recommended for general use. Click here to view the page for AWS CLI version 2. For more information, refer to the AWS CLI 2 installation instructions and migration guide.

[ aws] gamelift



Creates a new game server resource and notifies GameLift FleetIQ that the game server is ready to host gameplay and players. This operation is called by a game server process that is running on an instance in a game server group. Registering game servers enables GameLift FleetIQ to track available game servers and enables game clients and services to claim a game server for a new game session.

To register a game server, identify the game server group and instance where the game server is running, and provide a unique identifier for the game server. You can also include connection and game server data. When a game client or service requests a game server by calling ClaimGameServer , this information is returned in the response.

Once a game server is successfully registered, it is put in status AVAILABLE . A request to register a game server may fail if the instance it is running on is in the process of shutting down as part of instance balancing or scale-down activity.

GameLift FleetIQ guide

Similar actions

Also see: AWS API Documentation



--game-server-group-name (string)

--game-server-id (string)

--instance-id (string)

--connection-info (string)

--game-server-data (string)

--cli_input-json ("string") Performs service operations based on the JSON strings provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are used on the commandline, the CLI will override the JSON provided values. It is not possible for binary values to be passed using a JSON provided value. Instead, the string will be taken literally.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string) Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If no value or the input value is provided, it prints a sample JSON input JSON that can then be used as argument for --cli_input-json. If the value output is provided, it validates the command inputs returned by the command and returns a sample JSON output for that command.

For descriptions of global parameters, see 'aws help.


GameServer-> (structure).

Object that describes the newly-registered game server.

GameServerGroupName -> (string)

GameServerGroupArn > (string)

GameServerId -> (string)

InstanceId -> (string)

ConnectionInfo -> "string"


ClaimStatus > (string).

UtilizationStatus -> (string)

Indicates whether the game server is currently available for new games or is busy. There are several possible statuses.

AVAILABLE - The game server is available to be claimed. GAMES A game server that is claimed remains in this status up until it reports game-hosting activity. UTILIZED – The game server currently hosts a game session.

RegistrationTime -> (timestamp)

LastClaimTime -> (timestamp)

LastHealthCheckTime -> (timestamp)