Here we are. Let us say Yes to our presence together in Chaos.

If we set out to catalogue things

today, we find ourselves rather

endlessly involved in cross-

referencing. Would it not be

Those of us who don't agree are going

less efficient to start the other

around together. The string Duchamp dropped.

way around, after the fashion of

He took the apartment without being able to

some obscure second-hand bookstore?

pay for it. They danced on a concrete floor.

The candles at the Candlelight Concert are

One New Year's Eve I had too electric. It was found dangerous

many invitations. I decided to for them to be wax. It has not yet


go to all the parties, ending up been found dangerous for them to

at the most interesting one. I be electric — and this in spite of

arrived early at the one I was the air-conditioning. If 1 were

sure would be dull. I stayed there able to open my windows, I think

the whole evening— never got to the others. I would do it often, and for no reason at all.