[HI, READER, Please go through what is written… very. slowly. Though this post is catered towards people who know little bits of computer sciences, it should be fairly readable for others too. Like: I have written some things in certain ways(like READER instead of: reader). This is because some people will find that a little more interesting than the baseline content they find over the internet. Not substantial, just a little more. Probably smaller then the order of centimetres in their reality. DIGRS].
A Stack based todo list ?
In case of writing down a todo, we can keep it on the stack in the memory in the mind.
Now, push on to the stack if the priority of a new todo is higher than the priority bucket of the top. (Priority Bucket: Index, which will intern give us the min and max reference number of priorities, to correctly visualise an approximation of the hazy imagination of your notion of the word stack. With this min and max priority in hand, we can create an imaginary data type known as a cube. I think we choose (or rather I chose cube) because it is quantity which correctly shadows its notion to our dimension, the reality. The idea of a todo, is something which our dimension cannot define, as of yet.
When you think of todo, what do you see ? Maybe you actually see the end goal of the todo in real life, when you think of it. For example, For instance, lets take a todo present in a code. The todo, inside code is basically a very specialised case of a general todo. This todo only deals with the code. A general todo can be like: book a hotel for the trip in the morning( When I read this sentence as an Indian, I know I am conveying what I am thinking. But when it is written down, the output is different when a native speaker will do the reverse, i.e. reading this output, converting them to their thought. But, on reading this thought, there is a difference between the entities of thoughts of both the system. DIGRS. So, but, then they apply filter on that shape which will convert these thoughts to shape somewhat closer to the thought in my system.This filter is trained by different things: stereotypes, experience, knowledge (why knowledge? I consider(ed) knowledge as marks in school, proportional to your salary(assumption here is that you are not: corrupt, bad at math).DIGRS.DIGRS.DIGRS.S_TOP.
Or maybe you will actually see the current state of the todo in real life, because you remember it, that memory is still fresh in you.(PTR->S.TOP.resume)[RUBY] (writing language to make it easier for the parser. But, if we have that technology (simulating our notion of reality) and sharing with others. Think about communication. When will we increase our bandwidth ? DIGRS. In that technology sharing memories will be considered as (PTR->S.TOP.resume.short:writeabout:can_computer_languages_be_improved_by_studying_thoughtprocess?FCK. pointers can be fairly similar way to the actual notion of reality. DIGRS). DIGRS is pretty obvious by now. And writing that made it even more obvious.. . . spacing is not proportional to the time… DIGRS. Well only if you remember the word. So, it is not obvious. [[[SEE these are the hints where I can certainly see that I am acting on some external event: not as how someone with a pure function would do. A person made of pure function will act on the given information and ignores global variables, But my function is impure with my personality. I like to imagine myself as this machine which consists of pure functions, i.e. independent of things happening of different things like : biology, heart rate, thought, dinner. Everybit of extra air particle you took in creates a chain reaction which alters the state. The scale of this alteration can be debated on. Will it look like ripples in the state machines? (i.e. ripple like pattern when diffing the current state_machine to the previous one. This thought will be like a chop in the actual reality. DIGRS. the rate of this chops can considered as a notion in our reality, a frame of the actual reality. FRAME is a construct created by us. the word is constructed by us. the language, all have evolved from something. The big bang ? That could be a fcking short circuit in a bread board of our notion of a higher being''s our notion of kids'' our notion of science laboratory. A spark, a bang. Which made us discreet ?
And what do you think a reality where kids are doing this: what will our notion of top notch "high tech future proof" technology be in that ?
They won''t simulate just one reality.
I see, this is not a kid''s mistake. That bang was just a bit flip.
We originated in the bit flip. Now, why are there so many of us ? Because we are living in cell of bits in their reality. We DO NOT exist. I mean do not think about your body. We only exist for the FRAME. CERTAINLY EVERYTHING IS STATIC NOTHING IS HAZY> THE REALITY IS SIMULATED.
Lets see why that can be a possibility: Consider our reality (whether it''s simulated/or real, lets forget about this debate entirely). Let''s start from a fresh origin. Okay, "in our reality" (auto_prefix_till_stop): If I want to share something virtually. DIGRS.
Need to link this back to me. Why ? Why do I want to link it back to me.
There is this inner feeling that I should post this to some anonymous forum (even though that does not guarantee your anonymity. DIGRS). So, you hope one day people will know about you and understand why sometimes you act weird. What weird actually is, is debatable. Lets see why I think I am weird: That is because when I recall a memory, and play it black is our reality in realtime mode, I can see that I am doing things which are not quite the norm in the realities of >90% people I have simulated since the last X months around me.
This would be an interested mental illness. snyopsis: Person constantly tries to monitor his reality while high and struggling to write it down because. DIGRS.DIGRES.
Music helps me fell real for some reason. Well, so does stroking the male reproductive organ [[[ I understand now, why people who were written the literature, chose to use "male reproductive organ'' instead of ''dck'', ''pnis'', Because, to some people they are offensive, so some they are funny, to some they are gross, to some it is some lame joke.]]]
Yeah, so, we are talking about …Okay I thought of something, but I forgot about that node. See,, the thing is, to actually explain what I am feeling, I have to cut that down to something according to the notion of our general reality. i.e, a reality which intersects between us. Think of it as core reality. DIGRS(Was going into new representation, different realities just small spikes on the general reality. Reality is like a 3D pipeline and small spikes on it, like cones. But the cones have to be rendered, such the that slanted face is extrapolated to 3D with function: (convert_to_common_reality)).
This is an interesting exercise, what if everyone, when they read this. Just do something, and while doing that activity focus on what is happening in their reality. You won''t be able to record everything because they very act of recording alters the flow reality.
It seems, like the double slit experiment. The very act of obverting the photon, changes "SOMETHING" in our reality. What is this "SOMETHING". People are trying to define it. My writing may seem that I am pretending to be some science expert. Please understand that I am writing from my own reality. So I can be wrong. I am totally fine with it. This note is not meant to be taken as something I am claiming or wanting to be truth. This is just a written down version of my thought of how our reality can be simulated. Think of it as performing backtrack. We are backtracking from the current reality, which is thousands of level deep in the graph/tree/ whether it is a graph, or tree, should not be debated upon. DIGRS)), yeah so in the graph/tree depiction made of nodes which is our current state_of_reality: state_of_reality is a collection of (current_knowledge [Object], dimensions_physically_observed [Array of Objects], …args)DGRSS So, what scientists, PHds, and basically everyone else is doing, is poking through our collection of points in the general space of possibilities, which is state_of_reality. The convex hull is basically the frontier of the pokes these people make while performing a search for the actual reality.
The actual reality will be acheived, once this hull engufles the entire space of possibilities.
Some pokes, i.e. movements in the hull, take us closer to it, some far.
Now, when and where these advancement be made, should be not be considered as uniform. i.e. the probability of pokes per ''UNIT'' is not equal.
I think, I understand why Satyam (name changed) was saying: When I try to describe reality, what would be ideal case. Which reality would be the "best", You may ask "best according to what ? Economy, LifeExpectency, NumberOfWars" You are skipping a node. By thinking about best in [[ all of above]], you are moving ahead with my thought of "best" DIGRS] DIGRS]
The man from earth, this is how religions originate ? Stories of miracles. Gods, Specific people who are now treated as god. They did something which was interpreted in different ways. Good or Bad, Miracle or reality. Well, "miracle = (U - reality) [Where U can be imagined as the surface of the pipe of core reality, the general truth. "reality" is the highest point on the raised cone render of the peak responsible for our reality. DIGRSS])"
Will I have confidence ? the very act of constantly reading what you are writing is something which can/should be explored by people. One of the simplest ways to write better is to just reread what you have written. It will automatically trigger the right code paths which will provide somewhat better output. Now, we can go into how this thing which I am calling as"automatically" is not really automatic, it is just triggered process which is bound to happen because of moving from current_state_realities[Time.now - X.minutes_ago.to_human.to_s] to current_state_realiities[Time.now - X+X_read_interpret_delay_sorta).minutes_ago.to_human.to_s + 1] . How, to remove dependency: ''X_read_interpret_delay_sorta'', is an exercise for the reader…
Need to time bound this.
[Will discuss my interpretation of: "what is going to happen next" in the next edition.]
Sorry, I had to get back to this. One thing to add which I will not expand upon here, is this line: "writing in code requires less number of words_than_in_conversational_language" and also ". it is played back as an idea in a somewhat tangible form". Programming is a poke in the write direction. If we keep moving towards something. Sorry to exceed self.stack (before: self = author) [[ self can be assigned, the notion of self is not required, because there is no self, well, I do not want to explore this node because it is a higher chances of making me paranoid like last time (intentionally placed set of sentences act as subconscious Ads. Did you notice the ''Ad'' I placed in there. It may be very obvious and a very lame joke, but to me it is my attempt at being funny as of now.
If we playback this "note" (media_format-:state1state2state3, yeah they don''t need the notion of "encoding", or anything thing which I am trying to describe to you, These things are just laid out right next to other. There is not need for any compression in this "media_format", there is not need for compression.It is for people with unlimited space.
Think of our space. what is our space has concept os ''space''.the word, the letter, the reality you are reading this in.
Sorry, I wanted to prevent this.
Exit node .
I will be safe.
I am back, all it took was a deep breath, and 2-3 seconds of analysis the thoughts I just wen through. I think I have talked about this thing somewhere in the notes, don''t want to actually search for it, as I may get stuck in some node and I just start going deep inside it and I always reach is just my attempt to proof the entire reality can be simulated, therefore there is a chance that we can be simulated. I am not stating that we are a simulation, I am just trying to see that, IF, and thats a big IF. IF, we can explain the entire reality using our constructs then there is a possibility that we are living in the actual reality, but, AS, and thats a big AS AS WELL… AS we know that there are a lot of things we can''t explain (area outside convex hull), THEREFORE, we MAY be living in the simulation.
I am not debating about the CHANCE(=PROBABILITY) of that happening. The actual value is insignificant. The thing about maths, education, this entire reality is insignificant.
What is TRUTH ? can be debated upon, but it is like asking a 2D circle what the world outside is. It may be filled with 3, it may be 4, it may be 12 dimensions, or maybe there is nothing, there is nothing to explore: nodes.size==ConvexHull.num_nodes. The hull has expanded to capture everything there is or there will be.
The cat when in the box, what does it think of the outside world, what does she feel in her reality trapped in the box, day in day out, centuries in and out, living in the box. The concept of time, death, animals, cats is foreign to the reality in the box. They are our constructs.
Yeah, so the cat is inside, if we take a collection of these boxes. what is the probability that a random box chosen will have a cat which when asked the following question: "Do you think there is a world outside?" will reply Yes/No. What will be distribution. It is easier to think that it will be uniform. That is , if there are 100 boxes, there is a 50% chance of picking a box which has cat which says "No", and there is 50% chance of meeting a cat which says "Yes". the probabilities wonlt chnage if there are 100 or 1 million boxes, there is always a 50% chance.
percents are the best way to write about probabilities (instead of fractions/decimals). This is because we are (to be read as: the author is, REF: line with self (this is like a futuristic find_and_search. Waiting for Google to actually implement this. DIGRS, this will take 2-3 more hours. DIGRS).
DIGRS, will keep short, need to complete the lines I had already written before I went into my shi*t again,
If the TRUTH is 2D and we are the 2D circle. The world outside is (W) [alias_method: W := PTR=S.Top()) equality is function, and function is an "entity" so it is physical (virtually), therefore it can be put/poured/fixed/kept/packed into to something, i.e W.]
DIGRS. Too much.
Okay, yeay, if we assume that there some reality which is 2D, called X. If X assumes that there convex hull has engulfed everything, than yours is the cat which answers "No". The cat thinks she has seen everything there IS to exist. Spent her entire life inside the box, there is nothing but darkness. as hours and years go by.
Can a cat be "optimistic" ? "Maybe there is something more?", "Maybe there is world outside this box?", "Maybe the sounds I keep seeing and the things I have been seeing are actually happening outside the box". Well whether to call this cat ''optimistic'' or ''pessimistic'' is a question of an individual''s tastes (which is often not a pure function, influenced by internet, influenced by surroundings, influenced by the food, influenced by the chemistry of our understanding of the body''s biology which manifest''s in the physical form.
Maybe I should read books ? I think that if I read books, the things which I am described will feel very obvious, and might as well, seem like something trivial. Armed with that prior knowledge, I will not choose to write them down because they won''t seem exciting, or novel in some sense.
It would be interesting to find out which author''s writing style I am similar too. I am not a native english speaker, and I personally know > 1 things I have written which will sound odd to a native speaker.
Therefore, we can prune all the authors which are natively from english speaking countires. Cannot use the word ''native'' with ''America''. These peoples tweets should be suffixed with "#I_AM_OFFEND".
Interesting, so Twitter won''t really implement this feature, what if we create a bot, which just replies to tweets with hashtag "#I_AM_OFFEND". This bot is basically labelling the data for us, in real time, saving us time. It saves us time because once we have labelled data, we have a of visualisation of low resolution event, which we are converging to numerical domain, to plot graphs. and not spend time about discussing different ways to create a domain-guesser-parser''. DIGRS.
[[Thanks for reading this: I would love your opinion on something: Do you want me to proof read and correct the grammatical mistakes ? or did you like the content when it is somewhat raw ? For lines which have mistakes please blame me and Apple Notes, for lines which are grammatically correct please thank games, movies, internet and of course: Apple Notes.]]
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