What to do about break-ins?

United States robbery statistics

Everyone knows a person who was the victim of a robbery or you could be one of the people whose house has been searched. There are 2.5 million thefts per year in the United States, of which 65% are home thefts. This number is huge, however, when 17% of households in the United States have security systems, there is not enough deterrence to reduce theft. Statistics show that more than 60% of home thefts occur during the day because thieves know that most people are working during the day. A rather disturbing statistic about robberies is that 65% of thieves know their victims, which means they should be very careful with who shares their personal schedule information. Do not let these statistics lose hope of keeping your home safe because there are many things you can do to make your home a highly unlikely goal for thieves.

What to do after the theft

If you are one of the victims of a home theft, it is important that you perform a general check of the security of your home. As mentioned earlier, more than half of the thefts are carried out by people who know the victim, therefore, if your house has been forced and there are no signs of a broken window or a broken lock, it could mean that it was used a key. If you think someone else might have your house keys, we recommend that you replace your locks. If you see signs that your lock was opened, have a professional locksmith take a look at your lock to make sure it has not been damaged. Next, we will talk about some of the most effective ways to increase the security of your home and scare away thieves even before they enter your property. Locksmith Reprogram Car Key Denver, Locksmith in Denver CO, Car Key Replacement Denver, Lock Change Service Denver, Car Key Reprogramming Denver

How to deter thieves from your home

One of the biggest impediments to house thieves is security cameras! You should definitely consider installing security cameras inside and, more importantly, outside your home. The exterior cameras should be in an easily visible place and should have a clear view of all the front entrances to your home. Pet lovers have an easy but very effective way to provide additional security to their home because research shows that houses that have a dog inside the house are less likely to be forced. It also shows that even having decals or signs that say "Beware of the dog" will deter thieves. Another tip is to leave one of the lights on so it looks like the house is occupied, which is especially effective at night if you go out. A study on house raids found that houses that have mail that is not collected are more likely to be forced because it gives a signal of abandonment to thieves. Be sure to pick up your mail and newspapers from your mailbox and inbox! Finally, you should always make sure that all your doors and windows are closed properly before leaving your home. Many times, an open window is an invitation to thieves, so keeping your windows and doors closed will help protect your home. Locksmith Services Denver, Commercial Door Locksmith Denver, Locksmith for House Door Denver, Cheap Locksmith for Car Keys Denver, Cheap Locksmith Denver